Sunday, October 31, 2010

The story goes like this.....

Our Second IVF cycle is now cancelled and this morning i needed to do my trigger injection just so the follies that i had don't turn into cyst. It has been a very emotional few days and I am finally clear headed to write about it. 


Well I know I have a weight problem and that is no secret. 3 weeks ago when we had our review appointment with Dr T he said continue to lose weight and keep training with your personal trainer and lets start a new cycle. 
WJ and I walked out of our appointment really excited and ready to start. 

Friday 29th October i went in for my routine blood and ultrasound. The nurse took me in to get my blood work done told me that Dr T wanted me to be weighed. No problem. well apparently it was a problem for her and the clinic. 

She weighed me and said - Oh why do I have to be the one that does this? and she left the room. I'm left sitting there wondering what the hell is going on. Nurse went to get the head nurse and I was left to the slaughter. She came in very intimidating and demeaning saying that Dr T was going to cancel my cycle and he wanted me to be a particular weight. Well this was the first i had heard this and told her that i didn't understand what she was talking about. I was very distressed and she did NOTHING to calm me down. 

She ushered me in tears to the waiting room with other women until it was my turn for an ultrasound. Thankfully the ultrasound lady has a heart and soul and was trying to calm me down (at this point i was hyperventilating)
she did my scan and my follies were looking great. 

fast forward 7 hours later.

After a really hard time at work after the debacle in the morning the clinic called to tell me that they would be cancelling my cycle because he thought that I hadn't lost enough weight and that DR T (ASSHOLE) would call me on Monday to talk to me further. She told me that i would be getting a full refund (in the tone of like she was doing me a favour)

I am so mad at Dr T for making me put this stuff in my body. He saw me at the consult day if he was so concerned why didn't he weigh me on that day and say that he wasn't going to treat me until i did.
I could have respected that, but to make me wait until days away from EPU to make me stop. It is so unfair and I don't want to put all these drugs in my body on a good day. But to put them in my body and not get anywhere with it. I am livid. I'm sad and mad.

WJ and I are no longer going to deal with the clinic. I am going to call another reputable clinic here in Perth and see them. I cant look at Dr T any more and I don't want to go anywhere near the hospital ever again. 

I actually now want to find out where he lives and key his car! that would make me feel a WHOLE lot better.

Well lets see what happens tomorrow!!


1 comment:

  1. That is the craziest thing I've ever heard - canceled because of your weight?!?!
