Monday, March 21, 2016

Well this just sucks!

Today was my ultrasound. It really didn't go as planned. It showed 2 folicles in my right and none on my left!!!!

I may have dropped the f bomb during my scan. The sonographer was understanding. but, I feel like a failure. 

My bloods haven't improved much either. 

Your hormone levels from today were as follows:
Estrogen (E2) : 728
Lutenizing Hormone (LH):  4.8
Progesterone (P4): <1.0

These bloods show: ESTROGEN RESPONDING

Please continue your medications: GONAL F 37.5

Your next BLOOD TEST: TUESDAY 22/3/16

So it's another blood test tomorrow in the morning. So we will see how that plays out. 

I knew the first cycle of two big folicles on either side was too good to be true.

Feeling pretty shitty tonight. Wine is in order.

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