Saturday, March 19, 2016

Mid cycle bloods

I had my ongoing bloods this morning. 

I'm cycle day 6 and I've already been booked in for my ultrasound and blood for Monday. I seem to ovulate very early, but it would make sense as my cycles are on average 25 days. 

So my results for today are: 

Your hormone levels from today were as follows:
Estrogen (E2) : 420
Lutenizing Hormone (LH):  5.4


Please continue your medications: GONAL F 37.5 DAILY.

Your next BLOOD TEST: MONDAY 21/03/16
Please attend ULTRASOUND:  MONDAY 21/03/16 @ 09:20 AM

Thankfully work is understanding with all these late starts. I've been very open and honest with my boss. I think that's the only way to go. I would hate to do this behind his back and him think I was being slack. I've worked too hard to get a bad reputation now. I refuse to let my work suffer. 

So here's to Monday lets hope these little follicles are growing nicely. 

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