Life is so full of unknowens and I suppose that is what makes it so exciting.
No we are not pregnant..... Yet.
But I have this feeling deep inside me that it will happen. For so long I had in the back of my head that it would never happen. But as I deal with another cycle with cramps and pms I still have a sense of hope.
After all these years of TTC I can't bring myself to think that it won't happen. Yes I have bad days days where I am simple numb but today.. Optimism ... Optimism of the unknown.
At the end of the month WJ and I will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. I can't believe that 10 years have gone by. I still look at him each day and thank God for how blessed I am to have him in my life. I love the relationship we have.
We are best firends
We enjoy each others company
We are supportive of one another
We can sit in silence without feeling uncomfortable
He doesn't mind it when I put m pjs on when I get home from work &
I think he is the sexiest man alive!!
Well this infertile is signing off for the night.
It has been a really long time since I last wrote and now I feel like I can get back to documenting out TTC journey.
Here's to s new era
Much love
Lu xxxx
10 years is such an amazing achievement - congratulations to you both xx